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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why are most pencils #2 pencils instead of #1?

Question: Why are most pencils #2 pencils instead of #1!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Because a #2 is darker and easyer to see, A # 1 is use for a light line that is use to start drawing with, then when you have it were you want it you go over it with the #2 to darking and do the shading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Both answers above are correct, but if you want to know why most pencils are #2, it is because you are seeing writing pencils, not drawing pencils!. #2 pencils are hard enough that they do not smudge, but soft enough to create a dark legible line when writing!. Most stores offer a variety of drawing pencils!. The hardest H pencils are for drafting and undersketches and are very light!. The softest B pencils are more like charcoal and great for shading!. They range from softest to hardest with "hb" much like #2 in the middle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it is the hardness or softness of the pencil lead!.
It also "controls" how dark it rights!.
The harder the lead is, the lighter, and the softer the pencil is, the darker!.Www@QuestionHome@Com