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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Microsoft Image Composer... how do I reduce image quality/file size?

Question: Microsoft Image Composer!.!.!. how do I reduce image quality/file size!?
I have a !.jpg image!.
It's almost 3,500KB!.
It's pretty high quality!.
At 25% size, it fills the screen!.

I'm using Microsoft Image Composer, unsure which version but probably at least year-two years old!.

I need to reduce the quality of the image, and reduce it's filesize, to under 500KB!.

Plus getting where 100% zoom not 25% zoom was full screen would be nice!.

How do I edited the image using the program, to reduce it's quality and file size to a more acceptable level!?

(reposted from similiar question in software, because I figure some people here might actually have more experience doing this)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
use the power tools that are a free download from microsoft (you can google this) there is an image resizer tool!. All you do after you download the tool is right click on an image and you will see the option to 'resize'!.!.!.it will give several choices!.!.it will work like a charm and is super easy to use!.
Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com