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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I need help with ideas for designing a sweatshirt. The mascot is cookie monster

Question: I need help with ideas for designing a sweatshirt!. The mascot is cookie monster and the graduating year is 09!?
any suggestions!? please helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A cookie monster and the grad year is 2009/'09!.!.!.Let me think!.!.!.Here's an idea!
Picture placed in the center on the shirt at the back:
There's cookie monster eating a chocolate chip cookie with a BIG cookie with a BiG '09 written on it by chocolate frosting/icing
The cookie was half eaten so you could only see the '09 'cause it should be a 2009 but since it was half eaten it'll be an '09!.
Cookie Monster is blue and nothing will ever change that!.!.!.except you dunk him in paint or dye him!.!.!.
Cookie Monster eats the cookie in his 'natural' way of eating cookies,messily, so some cookie crumbs are scattered!.!.!.
On top of cookie monster there's the name of your school(can be the shortcut,like SSC),the section(optional)and the year of graduation
That's my idea and nothing is gonna change it!
Please imagine or draw the idea the to see if it's good :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com