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Question: Nude pictures!?
So, me and my boyfriend are having a long distance relationship right now (unfortunately we're going to different colleges) and we were wondering where we could upload nude pictures to share with each other!.!.!. I'm not uploading to Photobucket anymore because they're always getting deleted even if it's a private Photobucket account, which really makes me mad!. We also don't want to be checking e-mails back and forth haha!. I know the dangers of this and we're above 18 anyway!. Know of any good image hosting websites with free accounts besides Photobucket/TinyPic/ImageShack!? thnx alotWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The ONLY way to keep your images secure is to send them via email !.!.!. period!.

All other methods you should consider 'public'!. Many services have rules that preclude any images that are meant to be viewed by individuals over the age of 18!.

You will either have to use the email way to share images or expect to have others viewing your images (or as you have found, get deleted)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing to do is get new emails for both of you!. That is the most private thing to do!. And good luck! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you're just dead set against using e-mail, get a hotmail account and use the "skydrive" service!. fairly straight-forward to use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Try MSN Groups: http://groups!.msn!.com/

Create a new group!. You can change the setting of your group to private and above 18 only!. Then upload porn or nude all you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can send them (to your BFemail add) thru yahoo!.mailWww@QuestionHome@Com