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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where is the bazooka in Dead Rising?

Question: Where is the bazooka in Dead Rising!?
I really need to find that bazooka to kill those convicts!. If there is any other way, tell me!!!! I hate them!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ok,I hated those convicts the first 2 times,ok 3 times,ok 25times I encountered them!.lol But there's a couple of ways to kill them,much like the other bosses in the game!. Here's a few of the ways I've done it!.

Let's start with the !?bazooka!?!. You may be referring to the gun on the back of the jeep!. For that you have to first kill the guy firing it,which I'll explain later!.
You can use the sub-machine gun found on the ledge just above the exit of the warehouse in Paradise Plaza!. As you exit the warehouse and enter the mall, go right (that's Frank's right) go up the stairs to the first landing and jump onto the ledge,then jump from ledge to ledge till you get to the last one!. There you wil find the submachine gun!. Go out to the convicts and you can hide alongside a tree and pick them off one by one!. Remember if you shoot the gunner,no one will replace him!. BUT if you kill the driver first,the passenger will replace him! (This way is not the most effective)
Most fun way is to get the sniper rifle from the gun shop,then use the zombie ride and jump ontop of a zombie by the park benches where those little cover gazebos or whatever you call them!. When you get on top,use the sniper rifle to pick them off one by one!. Preferably wait until they get stuck with the jeep!. (They are horrible drivers) While they are getting unstuck pick them off one by one!. You might want to have more then one rifle if you're shots aren't accurate!.
I have also used the car and the trucks from the underground parking lot to ram them and get them stuck for a short time!. Then you can use a katana or battle axe or shotgun to take them out at short range!.
Go for the gunner first!. After he's dead it's fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com