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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Which Pantone Color book suit for me?

Question: Which Pantone Color book suit for me!?
I'm designing a tissue packet (print on something like plastic)!. This is the first time my customer require PANTONE color!. I've vistited the website http://www!.pantone!.com/ to looking for a color book!. There are so many while i don't have experience on this!. Anyone can help me to choose a book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This one would be my choice!.

If you're just trying to use a requested color or match certain spot color, know that Adobe Illustrator (and most other drawing/art programs) have Pantone swatches in their Swatch Library (it may save you some money unless they want to see the actual Pantone ink on paper)Www@QuestionHome@Com