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Question: Photography and people!?
O!.K!. so ya know when you see pictures of like people in a market place or on a street!. Well, if you want to take pictures of other people who don't know do you ask their permission!? Like I never know what to do so I just don't take pictures of them!. But what do you do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the US, if people are in a public place, it's legal to take their picture!. If you want to sell the picture as a work of art, and anyone in the picture is identifiable, you need a modeling release!. Without a release, you're exposed to a civil suit where the subjects can sue you for an amount of the profits!.

If you want to sell it to a news or educational publication, you don't need a modeling release!.

If it's for your own use, fire away and don't worry, but don't harass or stalk people -- that's a legal issue!.

There are some REALLY bad laws, that contradict all of this, for instance:
*I had film removed from my camera in NJ by a state cop because I took pictures in a highway rest area!. Land of the free! NJ does this so it's harder to sue the state for negligence, etc!. Unless you want to get in a fight with a cop, follow their "artistic" advice as to what you can and can't take pictures of!.
*I've tried to take pictures of some "public" buildings in Boston, but the buildings were actually owned by a private company that's owned by the city or state!. (!?!!?! Carl Marx, call your office) Unless you are (or have) a lawyer on retainer, you gotta do what the guys with the guns say!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well the paparazzi take people's pictures all the time without their permission!.

I've known people who have been in those pictures of large crowds and I know they weren't asked permission!. It would be impossible to ask all those people and if you did it everyone would be posing!.

I don't think it would ever pose a problem unless you make a lot of money from a picture or it publicly puts someone in a bad light!.

If it is a large crowd don't worry about that since there is not much you can do, but if it is fewer people, you might want to ask them after you have taken the picture just to be safe and polite!. If not, I really don't think it is a big deal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I usually use a zoom lens and try to stay as far back as I can!. I always carry my school ID with me too!. People are so much more natural when they don't know someone is taking their picture!. When they become aware, they often stiffen up, then it's time to find a new subject!. Since I only do this in public, I'm not required to get their permission at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I'm in Australia and it's actually illegal to take a person's photo without prior consent (I think it's only if you publish it in any way)!. If you just want a picture for yourself you are allowed to take it but many people would be curious so it's always friendly to ask!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My advice would be to take a picture first!Then ask!.!.!.!.if they say yes then you can take a few more!.!.if they say no,then you alreay have picture!!It's polite to ask for permission first though!. Most people will be happy to help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think you should ask them, some guy ages ago at my school got suspended for taking someones picture without their permission, crazy or what!?! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

yeah!.!.!.cos ppl these days will sue anyone just to get money!. so it's best to askWww@QuestionHome@Com

what's it for, recreation!? or work!?!. well idk sryWww@QuestionHome@Com