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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Could Some One Make Me A Collage Picture Using Photoshop Or Something, Of Everyt

Question: Could Some One Make Me A Collage Picture Using Photoshop Or Something, Of Everything That Sums Up America!?
Only good things though it's for a school project and my printer isn't working so ya' know! Things like State Map stuff like that!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would also add PhotoMix - http://www!.photomix!.com/
Allows to create collages based on numerous predefiled layouts, or free hand!. Works with layers!. Commercial - $29!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can design a collage or set of image online or with program, even with paint you can put pictures together in one set and save file,

FotoFlexer with layers
fd's Flickr Toys

Photoscape : combine and insert,
Picasa album with collage option
Gimp ~image editor, with layers

AndreaMosaic use several pics to make one,
Photo collage- demo
Montage-a-google online,

even if printers not working yet, you can still save as jpg,, email to school and print later