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Question: Defintions for expressionism and impressionism!?
i need it for my art a level courseworkWww@QuestionHome@Com

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Expressionism is the artistic style that depicts not objective reality, but rather the subjective emotions and responses that objects and events arouse in the artist!. This is accomplished through distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy!. It has the qualities of being highly subjective, personal, and spontaneous self-expression!. The difference between this form and Impressionism, is that its goals were not to reproduce the impression suggested by the surrounding world, but to strongly impose the artist's own sensibility to the world's representation!.
Impressionism is the style in which the image is captured as someone would see it if they just caught a glimpse of it!. The pictures are painted without detail, but unmixed primary colours and small brush strokes are used to simulate actual reflected light!. They are full of bright and vibrant colour, and most are outdoor scenes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Expressionism: A movement in the arts during the early part of the 20th century that emphasized subjective expression of the artist's inner experiences

Impressionism: A movement in art characterized by visible brush strokes, ordinary subject matters, and an emphasis on light and its changing qualitiesWww@QuestionHome@Com

For impressionism, look up paintings by Renoir, Monet or Cezanne!.

For expressionism, the classic example is Van Gogh!.Www@QuestionHome@Com