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Question: Ideas for photography project!?
We have to take cropped ( not sure if that is the right word ) pictures of everyday things in a different sort of way, but it has to have a theme!. So mine is inside the life of a teen punk/rock/princess, my friend has agreed to pose for me etc!. I have some idea of what I want to do, but I need some more!. Any help!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Take very close-up shots (hence the "cropping") of things that make your friend punk/rock/princess!. For example, a flower squeezed in a hand with black fingernails!. If she has a pierced tongue, a close up of that would be cool!. A closeup of a school-book with a punk kind of bookmark!. Just usual, everyday items that she transforms to fit her style!. Good luck - sounds like a fun assignment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take shots in grudgy areas, punk concerts, allies, dont make her up to be pretty, show a real person, a mad person, a sad person, no one wants perfection!. Do what my favorite photographer Nan Golin does, take people and put them in situations, drugs, sex, violence, everyone wants to see the underground aspect of that of which a person like that would probably hang around!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the different emotions of people would be a good one!. like fear, worry, anxiety!. something that refelcts your friend but also reflects the artist!.!.!.!.!.!.!.that sounds like and awesome asignment!. wish i took photography::) good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Take close-up shots of her punky features and clothing accessories like you are bulding her up from head to toe, then at the end take a shot of her in full length to complete the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with the first responce, take some real neat close ups of the things that make your friends look the way they do!.!.!. the piercings!.!.!. the hair colors, the nail polish the shoes, the laces!.!.!. the ripped up pants!.Www@QuestionHome@Com