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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Make a picture using natural materials like seeds small stones pencil shavings e

Question: Make a picture using natural materials like seeds small stones pencil shavings etc (Any ideas!?)!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Make it a landscape!. Just select a pretty picture as a guide!.
Mke some gestures with a pencil on a piece of ply wood and fill it in !.

This is better!. Get a piece of plywood,like off the side of a box crate,showing wood grain pattern!. With a black textra pen go around the grain patterns in broad lines!. Make the lines thick and thin!. They will be swirls!. Go over the lines again with hobby glue or white wood glue, the cheap and common variety!. Squeeze the glue straight out of the neck!. The globbier you make it the better!. Lie the board flat and cover it with dry sand or fine seeds!. Let dry!. Shake off residual!. Glue other patches and put small pebbles into them!. Let set!. Touch up with dabs of paint here and there to make your work more defined!. Cover with a coat of clear laquer!. Everybody will love your work but do not tell them how you did it!. A good artist never gives away all his secrets!. Go around the edge of the board in opaque brown paint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com