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Question: Wacom tablet question!?
what will happen to my wacom tablet if it got the (small) scratches on it!? [The one with the you use pen on it]

Just asking because I'm aware so I need to be careful with it!.

P!.S!. Suggestions for art!.!.!. I've ran out of the ideas to draw!. (I'm not really good but improving!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
doesn't do anything!. actually, to avoid that anyway, use some kind of thin clear cover over it, like the stuff you use over top of PSP or touch screens!. In fact, your wacom probably should have come with one!. I've bought a few and they always have a cover!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Little scratches dont make much of a difference at all!.
Ive dropped mine on the ground quite a few times and its a little worse for wear, but it still works fine!.

I wouldnt be throwing it around the room though, haha!.Www@QuestionHome@Com