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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What kind of image does acamera form on film?

Question: What kind of image does acamera form on film!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The image formed on the film, regardless of what type of film is used (positive, negative, lithographic, etc), is called a "latent" image!. Which means that it is imprinted in the sensitive layers of material coating the film but is unusable without further treatment of the film!. Until this latent image is developed and made "permanent" by appropriate chemical processing any additional exposure to light will either destroy, partially overlay, or alter the properties of the image!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This depends upon the film!. Some films are a diapositive, that is tht they give a positive image!. Generally speaking, they are called transparencies and are either used in slide or motion picture projection or enlarged from the diapositive into onto a photo paper or some other surface!.

The main type is negative film!. That is a film that will present a negative image!. This negative image is then projected onto a positive paper and exposed, processed, and printed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com