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Question: Camera questions for Digital photo 1!?
answer the ones you know, thanks!

1!. What are 5 things to check on the camera before shooting!?

2!. What happens when the white balance is set on daylight and you shoot indoors!? what happens when WB is set on tungsten and you shoot outdoors

3!. What is the primary reason to use an aperture priority mode and name 3 of those modes!.

4!. What is the primary reason to use a shutter priority mode and name 3 of those modes

5!. Name 3 ways to get little or shallow depth of field and 3 ways to get everything in focusWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I answered your (obviously) homework for you in camera board and stated that you should be doing your own homework--and you gave me a thumb down!.

Then you deleted the question!.

No more needed to be said!.


I am sorry--that was very rude of me to have assumed that!.

Let me show you some samples for question 2!.


Above shows "outdoor" setting when used indoor!.


Above shows corrected image (with photoshop)!.

For question number 3, here is an example!.


At f 2!.8 (100 mm f 2!.8 lens)--the depth of field is very shallow!. Only these subjects are in focus!. Whatever was behind them were totally blurry!.

For question number 4, here is an example:


to freeze the action!.

For question number 5:


When the aperture is small, everything is in focus (you can always click on any of these photos to see a larger one)!.



These, too!.

On the other hand, if you open the aperture wide, you'll get very shallow DOF!. Like this:


or this


I hope these samples helps a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Check your setting (whether it is auto, aperture priority, or manual), make sure you have to correct size chosen (large, large+raw, etc), check the exposure to make sure you have it where you need based on the lighting situation, make sure your ISO is correct for the lighting, and make sure you format your memory card!.

2!. If you set wb to daylight and shoot indoors you will have very yellow photos!. If you have your wb set to tungsten and you shoot outdoors your photos will be very blue!.

3!. The primary reason to use aperture priority is if you want a certain aperture for depth of field!. The modes are M, Av, and P mode!.

4!. The primary reason for shutter priority is for the speed you want to capture your image!. These modes are M, P, and Tv!.

5!. Ways to get little or shallow depth of field are to stop down as much as possible with your aperture, use a telephoto or macro lens, portrait mode will also chose the aperture for you so your subject is focused and your background is not, and get very close to your subject so part is in focus and the background isn't!. To get everything in focus you should have open up your aperture as much as possible, use a wide angle lens, and you could back off of your subject so it is a wider shot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. a) the lens is uncovered, b) the power is on, c) the mode (landscape, portrait, automatic, manual, etc!.), d) the light balance; e) the time and aperture settings, if you are shouting in manual mode

2!. you′ll get "unnatural" colors, but you might like it, anyway

3!. the primary reason is how much depth of field you want to achieve, the higher the apperture the less depth of field, thus the less focused planes in your picture, and viceversa

4!. the primary reason is to control or to caputre movement, either in the camera or in the subject!. A higher speed will frozen your subject, a lower speed will give you a blurred subject, but this might be intentional if you want to portray motion

to get little depth field:
a) using a high aperture, b) using a telephoto, c) using a low speed film or a low iso

to get much depth field or everything in focus:
-the opposite than above, plus using a trypod in order to keep the camera stableWww@QuestionHome@Com

1!. Aperture, Shutter Speed, White Balance, Focus, Flash
2!. Everything is orangeish!. Everything is blueish!.
3!. The amount of light to let in and create bokeh in the background!. Portraits are a good example!.
4!. To stop 'time'!. Freeze motion in its place or create a blur!. Sports!.
5!. Shallow depth of field- Macro lens, Low Aperture (fstop), !?
Everything in focus- High Aperture (f-stop),

I answered what I knew, maybe someone else can help you fill in the blanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com