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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How To Sell Photos Online & Get Paid To Take Photos?

Question: How To Sell Photos Online & Get Paid To Take Photos!?
I'm looking for some real ways to make money selling photographs online and curious about the practical skills that will get me started!. Appreciate tips and sites that work!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Create a sample portfolio of your work so potential clients know the quality and variety of your skills!. It's easy to create a web-based portfolio with free online tools!.

2) Click new photographs on a regular basis and display them in your portfolio!. Make sure they're arranged by a common theme!.

3) Experiment with visual styles and ideas -- lighting, color, subject -- and upload them to stock photography sites like Shutterstock!. Don't be afraid to take chances!.

4) Make your skills known on freelance photography sites!. Create a profile with your resume and portfolio so interested clients can contact you for projects!.

5) Know more about successful photographers who sell photographs online and get paid for them!. Learn from their methods so you can replicate and improvise on their success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

selling photos on line doesnt really work too well cuz the ppl will usually want to buy pics of things they want, like their kids and such!. so i reccomend advertising in the town that you live in and ppl will come!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Create a website!. Freewebs!.com allows you to create a site and put a web store on it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com