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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Characteristics of modern art?

Question: Characteristics of modern art!?
ok so like i have to do this power point on the differences between Middle Age art, Renaissance art, and Modern art, but i can't seem to find anything about art in the 21st century!.!.!.!. any help would be grand, & if you maybe can throw in characteristics of music that would be great! thanks =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, very tough question!.!.!.!.My best suggestion would be to talk to an art teacher at a university to get some names of artist from this time and track it from there, I mean, 21st Century means 2000's so you only have like 7 years to find something in!. That is tough!! also I would recommend Wikipedia and ask for artist of 2000, then artists of 2001 etc, Then go to Artcyclopedia(updated to 2006) BUT go to About Us and email this guy and I bet he can help you!! Then google if you haven't already for Artist form 2000 - 2007!. Good Luck! Go to Wikipedia for the music info!.Www@QuestionHome@Com