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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can i buy a prgram from a computer store best busy, office depot. . etc. that ha

Question: Can i buy a prgram from a computer store best busy, office depot!. !. etc!. that has to deal with drawing!?
for example!. clothes design !.!. sketches stuff like thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I recommend Photshop Elements!. It is a very good entry level application that will introduce the user to one of the industry standard softwares!.

Learn everything you can about it's uses!. Find a good online tutorial or book on how to use ALL of its features!. For most people, no other software is ever really needed!. A good piece of equipment to go along with it would be an inexpensive graphics tablet!.

Each of these items are under $100!. You don't need to spend any more until you KNOW you've outgrown them!. You can spend over a thousand dollars for upgraded versions of these, but don't do it until you know you need them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com