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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I get him away?!?

Question: How do I get him away!?!!?
This is my "boyfriend" and I can't get him away what do I do!?
Here he is, and yes this is him when he is normal!.!.!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
By getting him away I suppose you mean you do not want him to be physically all over you all the time!. So this is how is works:
1!. you ask yourself what you feel comfortable and proper for your relationship to be like!.
2!. make sure you get part one clearly understood for yourself!.
3!. tell him this is how you feel you should be treated (define your boundaries at this point)!.
4!. make sure he knows part three clearly, as anything beyond will make you unhappy or feel mistreated!.
5!. fully understand (yourself and him) that a mutual relationship is one that makes both parties happy and lasting!.
6!. give him time for this to sink in - to give you the respect and honor each person is endowed with!.
7!. do not be in a relationship where you are happy, show him the door!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Get him away! !.!.!.from where!?

You could always talk him into joining one of the armed services, that ought to do the trick!.


You are ranting!.

p!.s!. but thanks for the easy 2 points!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

break up with him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com