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Question: Expiration on Oil Paints!?
I just recently found a whole box of oil paints in my basement!. They are all almost full and they are still wet, but I got them a while ago!. I don't remember how many years it has been, but I wanted to know if there is a general expiration date for oil paints!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oil paints do not have an expiration date they are a mixture of pigments[ refined earths as umber], metal percipients [cadmium oxides], coal tar products[ alizarin ] ,plant dyes and others!.!.!.all of these are suspended in an oil!. The more expensive brands as a rule go that extra step to more finely suspend the paint in the oil!. When a tube is opened and you get first a squeeze of oil sans pigment it was either a very long time on the shelf or is a cheaper paint!. The paint does not age or dry until exposure to air!. It takes very little air though to start the process!.!.!.opening a tube an then closing it sometimes will trap enough air to begin the process!. I guess I should add that most paints have a molecule structure that in time will breakdown leading to hardening in the distant futureWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think they expire like you say!. I am guessing you mean if they have an specific shelf life!.

If the tubes where tight and not open most likely they are OK!. If you see a lot of oil when you just open them, just pour out some and mix it with your palette!.

If air has gotten into them they might have gotten damage, but then they would be hard as if in the canvas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Oils are not eatable so i don't see why there would be an expiration date on them!. in any case, just try them out and see if they still work!. hope your painting come out good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont think so,, try them out and let them sit for a while to see if they act the same as when new/!?Www@QuestionHome@Com