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Question: I need advice about being a photography assistant!?
I may be getting an interview to become a photography assistant with a downtown studio in the city I live in!.!.!. The thing is, that I have really NO EXPERIENCE with professional photography!. I absolutly love photography and would love to have a career in photography, but I'm scared the photographer will be turned off by my lack of experience!. I emailed him telling him I love photography and have taken a few classes during highschool where my teacher considered me the "best in the class"!. The photographer called me today but left me a msg to call him tomorrow to discuss the position more!. I want to impress him on the phone but how can i do that!?
If he see's enough passion and motivation for getting into this industry do you think he could give me a chance!?

Thanks for anyones answers :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Relax! There is not much to being a photographers assistant!. I've done that myself!. The position is being someone who is willing to learn what he requires!. Try to learn fast what he needs!. Show a willingness to learn!. The roll of the PA is to help make him look good and professional!. Its more important to be a well mannered person and a helpful attitude!. You need to be enthusiastic and the rest will take care of itself!. Often photographers like young ladies for the job because they sometimes are better at being "motherly" to little children who he will sometimes photograph!. So it will help to have good people skills and and technical aptitude too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The other answer is absolutely correct!.

Don't fake your way through this interview--because he's going to know--and basically, it will look quite badly!. You're there to help (and it could be something like, "make me a cup of coffee!" or "Call the customers scheduled for tomorrow to confirm their appointments") but you'll learn more than just photography technique--but the business aspect of it, as well!.

Good luck, and if you don't get it, keep your chin up, it's not the end of the world--but if you get it, learn learn learn!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't try to impress with knowledge you don't have, just be yourself!. Passion and motivation are all you need, basic knowledge is easily taught, and time will take care of the rest!. Good Luck!.
