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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What animation program does David Firth use?

Question: What animation program does David Firth use!?
I want to start making videos with my drawings, but I need a recommendation on which program to use to make videos like the ones one fat-pie!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm 99% sure it's flash!. Even if it's not, you can achieve the exact same effects and movement in Flash!. Download a trial from adobe!.com!. If you like it buy, be warned - flash becomes addicting and it now consumes 12 hours of everyday I wake up, lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

On his website he mentions that he uses Flash!.If you want to create animations like his, either break down and buy Adobe Flash or you can try Creatoon or Synfig, which are free!. They aren't Flash, but they also do vector based symbol based animation with tweening!.



If it turns out that you don't like the stiffness of symbol based animation and tweening and want to try other types of animation, there are other programs you can try!.

If you're doing old school drawn on paper frame by frame stuff or stop-motion or 2D, I'd suggest MonkeyJam!. It's free!.


If you're on a Mac, use Pencil(there's PC and Linux versions as well)!.


If you want to do Flash animation like the stuff on Newgrounds!.com, either break down and buy Adobe Flash or you can try Creatoon or Synfig, which are free!. They're not Flash, but they also do vector based symbol oriented aniamtion with tweening!.



Here are some online resources about the basic principles of animation!.
