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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photography Jobs Online - Which Online Photography Jobs Work For Beginners?

Question: Photography Jobs Online - Which Online Photography Jobs Work For Beginners!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Based on your skills, the simplest option to find photography jobs online is to go the freelance route!. Sites like AllFreelance and Photography Jobs Finder have specific links to post your CV / portfolio online, allowing potential clients to invite bids for projects they want completed!.

These clients can include illustrators, artists, advertising professionals and web designers!.

The other more lucrative option is micro stock photography!. If you have a digital camera and a creative eye for photography, you can sell photographs online and earn a regular income!. In this system, you get paid to submit your photos online, and each time someone downloads your photo you get paid a fixed royalty!.

I personally see the microstock photography route as a better way since it provides beginners the flexibility to explore their talents and the opportunity to make money from it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you have no experience you won't just find a job!. So many people think they can just become a professional photographer now!.!.!.but its not that simple!. You need years of practice to be successful!. Why don't you start with an Intro class to learn the basic technical stuff, and for now enjoy it as a hobby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com