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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Joining photos together?

Question: Joining photos together!?
Can you join one or more photos together,like in a row!.!.all the same length and height etc!.!.!? How!?
Can you do it using HP photosmart!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You mean like a panorama!? Look for 'stitching' programmes in Google!.

Or do you mean like a collage!? In which case any photo editing program will do!. Gimp is good, Photoshop better!. The trick is to define your canvas size first then import your pictures on to it!.


you can do that in a program as simple as paint!.

open a photo and ctrl-c (copy)
open a blank page ctrl-v (paste)
and put a few together that way to learn!.
then do it nicer, using photoshop or whatever program you have!.Www@QuestionHome@Com