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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Canon XTi Vs. XSi?

Question: Canon XTi Vs!. XSi!?
I was planning on getting an XTi, but the website is sold out!. They only have XSi in stock, and was wonderingi f there are any big differences and if it's better or worse of a deal!?
I know it has 12mp vs!. the xti's 10!.!. that's about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Theres alot going on between the two!. The XSi has better low light handling than the XTi, which wasnt shabby to begin with!.
Higher frames per second!.
Live view!.
A 3" screen compared to a 2!.5" on the XTi!.

Dont get me wrong, the XTi is a great camera, I own one!. But the XSi is a step up!.

Now what the XSi (I presume) doesnt have, and neither does the XTi, is a more robust frame!. Any of the xxD series, 20D 30D 40D, will have a tougher body to work with!. They can take more abuse!. But honestly the casual shooter really doesnt put a camera through that much to begin with!. So the XSi/XTi are perfectly fine!.

Now for the site thats sold out!. Have you checked them out with the Better Business Bureaus website to see if they are legit!? Alot of scam sites are out there!. They have great prices for some stuff but talk you into add ons or charge HUGE shipping amounts and you get took for more than if you would have gone to a local store!. Always check out the online sites at http://search!.bbb!.org/searchForm!.aspxWww@QuestionHome@Com