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Question: Photographers!.!.!.!?
I'm feeling a bit depressed!. Yeah, I know!. I probably shouldn't be asking this question in the photography section!.!.!. but being a photographer myself, I thought you'd understand!.

What should I do to make myself feel better!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Girl, I totally understand!. Just try to think positively!.!.!. think about how happy you'll be when you're all done with your work :o) And when you are all done with your work, treat yourself to a nice little vacation!.!.!. even if it means just getting away for a day or two, okay!?!

Make sure you're getting enough sleep too!.!.!. take a nice long nap if you need to, and hopefully you'll feel a whole lot better when you wake up :o)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like you just need to pack your bags, leave a note saying you're leaving and don't mention where, and just take off somewhere peaceful and quiet!. Just relax yourself and calm your mind, leave everything else behind for those few days you're on vacation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can take pills, but sometimes it makes you worse, so you should really talk about it, with people you reall know and trust and find closure so you can feel better, or maybe get a relxing weekend without work, its all simple women therapyWww@QuestionHome@Com

sounds like you need a vacation
(dont even have to go far just go somewhere quiet for a day!)
it will help alot if your feeling overwelmed & after youll feel like you can take on any project

Take pills!. That is what I do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com