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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How did Andy Warhol infulence American Society and Culture?

Question: How did Andy Warhol infulence American Society and Culture!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He opened peoples eyes and taught them to look at things differently!. The typical everyday things!.!.!.like a soup can!.!.!.!.can be Art!. Every so often it is important to have people like him to shake up peoples perspectives!.
He created a upper crust click!.!.!.that had people seeing artists in a different way!. Which was somewhat new!. That can be good and bad for Art!. Sometimes certain art can be "in" just because the artist is!. That can be a trap!.
All in all the art society and the general society needs to be open to new things!. Andy certainly provided that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He sometimes used every day things as subjects in his work!. This created a sense of appreciation for simple objects on Americans!. He also used famous products and people which represented and defined pop culture!. Some of Warhol's most famous works include his Campbell's cans and his Marilyn Monroe portraits!. His creations amplified the love for art in people in general!. He was also believed to be gay, but that's beside the point!. Espero que eso ayude!. In case it didn't help:
http://youtube!.com/watch!?v=Pdn6wrM1Hqw (i doubt this one will help)Www@QuestionHome@Com

why dont you rent a andy warhol movie there is a good one about his life : Andy Warhol: Life and Death// as an artist I feel it is better to come up with your own opinions on influences and learn for yourself how one truly left his mark that was you come to a better understandingWww@QuestionHome@Com

He brought the Velvet Underground above ground and they basically invented rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he showed people how the simple everyday things are beautiful
(thats what i got from his art)

He is recognized as the godfather of Pop Art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com