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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best city to "get discovered" as an artist in abstract exp

Question: What is the best city to "get discovered" as an artist in abstract expressionism!?
Given that there are many artists who are really great but don't market their work in the "right" place fall into obscurity!. I know that being in the right place can make all the difference - the question is where is that place!? also, note that I aleady market locally and the internet - I am asking about what city - whhat gallery - where should I be aspiring to!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Where do you live now!? Can you afford to live in New York, LA, or San Francisco!? I lived in San Fran and its very expensive, NY aint cheap either!. I am not a pro artist, just do it on the side for my own fun!. I guess those are the places to go though!. What gallery!? Any that will take you probably!. Make it happen yourself I guess!. Im not a fan of abstract expressionism because it all looks the same to me!. There are only a few artists that have a look that makes them identifiable!. What makes you stand out among the other million artists out there!? Thats the thing about that kind of art, I know Ill get flamed for this but its easier to do, more people can do it and its hard to have your own style!. I like the look of realistic stuff myself and can tell the difference between someone really good and someone that sucks, plus different artists have styles that are discernable from everyone else!. I would know a Mark Ryden piece or a Robert Williams piece in a second!. They have their style which makes them a commodity!. Not everyone can do what those guys do!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want to seriously 'get discovered' I would suggest you stay away from painting anything that even remotely looks like 'Abstract Expressionism!.' The reason being that it's been done so many times by so many artists that you probably couldn't come up with a unique enough different way of doing it to impress the critics and art galleries!.

Try going to Saatchi On-Line and look at the hundreds of artists there posting copies of their abstract expressionism paintings, trying to cling to a style that has been pretty much dead for over thirty years now!.

I can't think of any American city that would welcome another artist re-hashing an old style of art!. It's like you or me doing our version of a Jackson Pollock drip painting!. It would be difficult to get anyone to take such a pre-used style seriously!.

If you've got the talent (and by this I mean an original way of expressing yourself) try developing your own unique style and try not to be influenced by older styles that your work will be compared to!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are too late!. Abstract expressionism was discovered half a century ago!. If you want to sell your derivative work, however, go to a big city!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, where are the atists that you like!? Which part of the art world, stylistically and geographically, do you engage with!?
That's where you'll find it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It does not matter where you live but who you're friend of!.!.!.
Go where the rich people live, but you still need to be friend of one of them!. And, have your own unique style of painting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

New York 50 years agoWww@QuestionHome@Com