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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Michael Jackson new picture!!10 pts best answer?

Question: Michael Jackson new picture!!10 pts best answer!?
How does this picture represent Michael Jackson's music or how does this picture relate to his music!? That's the only way I know how to word it!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He is very eccentric, and is always willing to do something new!. He is also willing to present himself in a way that is somewhat flashy and attention-grabbing!.

And in just the same way, his music has held the attention of listeners for decades!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with what was said above that was pretty spot on!.

I love how he looks like Willy Wonka!.!. he shows he's not afraid of being different or taking risks to achieve new and exciting things, in terms of music!. It shows that he is'nt afraid of people thinking he's a bit strange, because he knows it's what makes him stand out!. In terms of music, I think he has been pretty revolutional for the world of pop and the picture shows that he is different, and has an amazing musical imagination!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's the old entertainer look in a more modern look!. Just like his music, meant to entertain in a modern way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com