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Position:Home>Visual Arts> You know those family portrait places in the malls?

Question: You know those family portrait places in the malls!?
What kind of cameras do they use!?
Does the picture just come out amazing, or do they edit it!?
If you dont understand what I mean!.!.like the quality and everything, for example!.
Do you have to edit the photo, or does it come out the way it is!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I work at Sears Portrait Studio, and we use Olympus E-1 cameras!. Sometimes you can get good shots without editing them, but with us, we must do enhancements (that is add things to them so the customer will buy them, such as black and white, text, borders, etc)!. We use a program called Express Portrait & Wedding to do our editing and enhancements!. Sometimes customers want to just buy the natural color because they like it, it really depends on the person!. Hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

No clue but I took this picture with my friends moms kodak dig cam!.!.http://i86!.photobucket!.com/albums/k113/t!.!.!.
and this one was with my hp photosmart m425 dig cam!.!.
hope that helps a little!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they re just very expensive high quality camera's rangeing from 1 - 15 grand
i have one that cost 1500 very good quality
its a nikon
the frontrunners for the camera bussiness are
sony, and

I am almost certain that they edit them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The cameras they use are high quality, for sure!. If you wanted to buy something similar, it would cost a good $8,000 for the best Canon out right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com