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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is there a way to get a fisheye lens effect without using an actual fisheye lens

Question: Is there a way to get a fisheye lens effect without using an actual fisheye lens or Photoshop!?
I know how I can create a fisheye effect in Photoshop, but I was wondering if there was a way to get the same effect just with my camera (Olympus C765UZ), the converter lenses I have (Olympus TCON-1!.7x Telephoto Converter Lens -- and -- Olympus MCON40 Macro Conversion Lens), and maybe any household items!.

Any ideas!?
Thanks! =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The add-on lenses that you have are no help!. Without an image editor!? Ahh!.!.!. WWMGD (What would MacGyver do!?) He'd create the signature distortion of a fish eye lens by shooting though a door peep-hole!. Or into a DIY convex mirror!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What use is a tele-lens if you want to do fish eye!? fish eye lenses create that effect because they're really really wide angle!. If you don't want to use photoshop or an actual fish-eye lens, I guess you could use a wide-angle lens, print the photo, bend it and then shoot again (basically take a photo of a photo)!. You would have to be very careful shooting a curved photograph because you need very flat lighting!. also you shouldn't use glossy paper for your first print since it will reflect more light in the second shot!. The second shot should be printed much smaller than it actually is, that way no one will notice any mistakes you made!. That's the only way I can think of that requires only a camera and some sort of printing process and nothing more!. I'm sure there are more complex methods that will give more accurate results!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe there is a lens that is an add on,(like a filter)that can be purchased at a good camera store,or on line!.Some things that you may want to experiment with,are magnifying lens,shooting thru jars,(with and without water,colored or clear)large decorative,glass balls in various sizes and colors!.Most of these items can be found at home,flea markets,thrift stores etc!.I hope this gives you some ideas you can use!.Www@QuestionHome@Com