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Question: Deep Meaning Animation!?
Hey, im currently doing a btec in multimedia design and for my final im doing an animation!.

i need to review some animations that have a deep meaning to them, not the type with humour, i remember a few but i cant think of the names!. if you could help me i would be very thankful

any animations would do doesnt have to be good quality just have a meaning to it, but there is one in particulair i want!.

its in 3d and its about an inventor who has a glowing source inside, and he works in a facotry, he redesigns a pair of goggles that when you look through them they add colour to the world and turn sad things into happy things, he get promoted up and up until he reaches the top and is now known as a great inventer, but when he looks for the glowing part in him its gone,

the enviroment is quite dull lotsa greys, and he sees his glowing souly thing through a door on his stomach!.

thanks in advancedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The film you're looking for is a music video for the song "More," by Mark Osborne!.
