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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What chemicals do I need to start a darkroom for my daughter?

Question: What chemicals do I need to start a darkroom for my daughter!?
I have an enlarger that we got from a friend, but I have no clue what else I need to get!.
Please help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically you will need to get the following!.

Stop Bath

I would suggest you take a class and or consult a professional on how to set up a dark room!. There are a lot of things you will need to do aside from getting the proper chemicals!.

At the very least go to a good camera store and consult with the people there as to what chemicals you need and how to mix them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

First, how old is your daughter and is she living at home!? If so, do you want to go through the major expense of this!? You're going to be dealing with chemicals, equipment and space needed!. This is not a cheap undertaking!. I think you would probably be more productive in the long run to buy her a quality DSLR with a tripod and macro lens!. This will allow her to photograph images and enlarge them digitally without the hazardous chemicals and the need for a special "darkroom"!. And it will probably save you large amounts of money in the future!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Most important is a good ventilation system , access to running water, get a book on intro to traditional darkroom photography, they will have a list of what you need and a diagram of the best way to set up your space!. Any good book will have this!. The two of you could take a summer course together so you are better informed!.
I would recommend doing this before walking into a camera store and being talked into a bunch of stuff you don't really need!. It can be done for a reasonable amount of money considering you already have the most expensive equipment(enlarger) !.Www@QuestionHome@Com