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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of this camera?

Question: What do you think of this camera!?

ive practiced with an 6 mp, but now im upgrading!. I'm just an advanced amateur, but is there any way i can make any money out of photos with a camera like this!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can always image that on a question like yours that some person will make a fool of themselves and inform you that the unit is no good!.

Actually, the Sony cameras are phenomenal, as are the Olympus, Pentax, and any other brand!. Sony also has the advantage of drawing on a ton of lenses made by Minolta, a very good lens manufacturer!.

I need to know what makes a camera a "pro" camera and why one camera is and another is not!. The "pro" is the person who is using the camera and a pro is a person who could take an excellent picture with a Brownie Hawkeye!.

Minolta has a raft of lenses available for it, so that equates to Sony having a raft of lenses available for them since they bought Minolta!. 99% of the photographers don't need 99% of the lenses made, so the ones that you will probably be using will be readily available!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cameras are just tools, if you bought a Indy car would you assume you could drive as well as those have have trained to do so!?!?!?!?!?!?

if you produce a professional portfolio then implement a good marketing plan with your niche market/s covered in your marketing plan, then dont mess up any of your first shoot you will make money

oh its a good camera - not pro level, and they dont come with years of photography school programmed into them, i use a couple of A100s for real estate work and they are good for that, the sensor cleaner and inbuilt IS is brilliant


That camera is for suckers!.

Once you start getting decent with a camera, you will want all sorts of things that camera cannot provide !.!.!. lens selection being the biggest one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com