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Position:Home>Visual Arts> 50mm f/1.8 II?

Question: 50mm f/1!.8 II!?
i have an 18-55 mm kit lens for the rebel xti!. i wanted to get the 50mm f/1!.8 II lens, but if my lens goes to 50 mm, wouldnt that be the same thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no your kit lens will be F3!.5-4!.5 or something - thats slow - F1!.8 is speedy

and as the perk said primes are so much sharper - and so much much much more sharp than kit lenses

if your happy with the kit lenses why not try for a tele zoomer maybe!? a 55-200 or something


also, keep in mind it's a fixed lens (no zooming in/out)!. But yeah, your pictures are gonna be sharp as hell wth that lens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No because your f stop will not go to 1!.8 and a prime is sharper than a zoom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com