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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Film photography--I need some product recommendations, please?

Question: Film photography--I need some product recommendations, please!?
I have some experience with basic black & white, film & darkroom photography, and I want to continue!. So, I just signed up to use the darkroom facilities of a local design college this summer, but I have to get my own film and enlarger paper!. It's the first time I've had to buy my own supplies, and I'm not sure where to look, what brands are best, etc!. (I've always just used what my school had on hand!.)

Can anyone tell me where to buy good b&w film and 8x10 enlarger paper, at good prices, and rather in bulk!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'll agree with the others!.!.!.Freestyle Photo is a great place to get supplies!. For film, I've used Ilford HP5 Plus, Kodak Plus-X, and Arista!.EDU films!. Unless you're doing night photography, you might want to get a low speed film, like maybe 100 ISO, because they tend to be sharper than higher speed films!. Plus-X is 125 ISO, and it's great!. Arista films are good too!.!.!.they seem to have a little less contrast and give "warmer" tones!. So it depends on what you're looking for!. The only minor problem is that I've noticed Arista films tend to scratch a little easier, so you have to be a little more careful when you load them on the developing reel, etc!.

For paper, I really like Ilford Multigrade Pearl!.

Basically, I'd recommend Ilford, Arista, or Kodak films!. For your first time buying your own B&W film, I'd definitely recommend Kodak Plus-X or Arista!.EDU 100!. For paper, get Ilford Multigrade!. That's what I've used for all my prints so far, and I love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The above mentioned is a great store!.

I highly recommend Ilford and their products!. Pan F especially so!. The film is stuffed with silver and is almost luminous in appearance!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good on-line store, very reliable and willing to help you, is listed below!. They have a student section!. I'd recommend at least one step up from the budget film & paper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with kahlass--it's a great place!. Their store (on Sunset blvd in Hollywood) has terrific staff, too!. Download one of their catalogs in PDF format!.Www@QuestionHome@Com