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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Rule of thirds to a 2-year-old?

Question: Rule of thirds to a 2-year-old!?
Can someone please explain the rule of thirds to me like I'm a 2-year-old!? Just recently I've became interested in photography, and over and over again I'm hearing how important the rule of thirds is when taking a good picture!. What exactly is the rule of thirds and how can I, as a novice, use it to improve my pictures!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The rule of thirds is a geometric composition tool!.
Its simple!. Think of a grid being overlaid on top of the image!. Draw two lines vertically cutting the picture into thirds!. Do the same thing horizontally!. Now you've got points were the vertical lines meet the horizontal lines!. If you put focal points of your image on those intersections you are composing pictures using the rule of thirds!. The link below has some images that illustrate these points!.
Hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think of a tic-tac-toe board across the lens of your camera (I'm trying to get as 2 year old as possible here)

A good compisition would have have the main object on one of the lines!.

This website has some great pictures to explain how the rule of thirds creates better photos!.



That is a diagram of a photo that is divided up into thirds both ways!.

Imagine this grid when you are taking photos!. Your focus point (what you want to be the main thing in your photo) should fall on one of the intersecting points - like the bees eye!.

Don't be afraid to experiment with empty space to achieve the rule of thirds!.!.!. and remember!.!.!. rules are made to be broken, but this one is s a good one to stick to!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It refers to dividing the scene into thirds, using horizontal and vertical lines!. Placing objects of main interest at (or near) one of the points increases its visual importance to the viewer!.

More explanation here , plus some examples with the rule of thirds grid shown

Well you visually create horizonal and vertical lines into thirds!. The the inner four inersections should have your subject there!.
http://www!.silverlight!.co!.uk/tutorials/c!.!.!. This website should explain it well!. Hope I helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your picture is a tick tack to board!. You want to like your subjects up along the lines, and not have your subject dead in the middle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think of it as a tic-tac-toe board!.!.!. your main subject should be where one of the lines intersect!.

See this site, it may help: