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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Illustrator CS3 edit a JPEG?

Question: Illustrator CS3 edit a JPEG!?
I'm trying to open a sketch, add a blank layer over it, and then trace over the sketch with the paintbrush!. I understand there is a trace tool but it's useless if I still can't draw over it!. Every time I open a JPEG or PNG the paintbrush option is completley unavailable!. I click on it and I can't do anything with it!. Am I supposed to change the opened file to something else!? What's going on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Illustrator is a vector program!. The paintbrush does NOT function the same way as the brush in Photoshop, you have to have a path already created then you can apply a paintbrush effect to the stroke!.

You want to PLACE your image into Illustrator, then run Live Trace on it, but make sure you select Trace Options and select Preview in the window that opens, so you can try different trace settings before you commit to the Trace!.

Be aware that if you have an image with many colors and shades and a lot of detail, Live Trace is not your best bet, it will create a much too complex set of vectors with thousands of anchor points that can really mess you up!. Instead you will want to place your image as a Template (which will bring the image in at a 50% opacity)!. Then use the PEN tool to trace over the image by hand!. You have to understand how the pen works, and it takes some practice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On the following page is how to trace a sketch in both Illustrator and Photoshop:

