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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What would you think if somone would drew you your portrait? And if the drawing

Question: What would you think if somone would drew you your portrait!? And if the drawing is bad!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If it was bad!.!. It would make me think of napoleon dynamite where he told that girl that he spent like an hour shading her upper lip!.!. and she looks like she has a stauche!.!.!. Dont worry about your drawing though!.!. Feel free to be yourself :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends, the personality!. Art is fun, before passing any comment it must be presumed that it can be funny or amazing!. In my openion, be positive to the artist always!.
there are newses that in an exibition the paining stood runnerup was brushed by a monkey while the artist was busy with some other job!. So there is no craiteria!. i made a tower from chalk, by screatching it and put it before a person, who told in comments that " now you can not write with this chalk"!. So you just mind your job like a master in art and never think what the other says!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd think that person drew you as they saw you and to their ability!. If I drew you, you'd be a cartoon or a stick man because that's all I can really draw!. I'd add details like jewelry or a scar but it probably wouldn't look like you!. Go to a professional if you want an actual portrait of yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good or bad outcome, i will still appreciate it!.!.because of the time and effort that was spent to it!. if it's not that good, ill put it in a very attractive frame!.!.and if it's good, then it's a bonus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Never judge a book by it's cover" which means it doesn't matter what it looks like it's the efort and love that went into it!.

Luv Emma Xx :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well if they tried really hard i wouldn't mind but if they were just messing around being stupid i'd draw a bad one of them!Www@QuestionHome@Com