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Question: How can one become a freelance photographer!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You don't "become" a freelance photographer!. If you are not gainfully employed by someone in the photography field, and / or you do not work out of a studio of your own, then you ALREADY ARE a "freelance photographer"!. That is really just a fancy name for someone who is not regularly employed in a photograhic field!.

What you need is to know how to MARKET yourself and your photos!. That is a vast subject that can have as many different answers as there are people asking the question!.

What kind of "freelance" do you want to do!? Weddings, sports, portraits, events, landscapes, fine art, anything and everything!?!?!?

You will have to get your work known in your community!. Approach those who might have a need or interest in your particular style!. Do some free photo work for charities or at events to get some of your photos in circulation and generate some word of mouth about you!.

There is just no one, easy path!. Don't count on making a living as a "freelance photographer"!. At the most it will likely only provide some minimal extra part time income!. Not to cut you down!.!.!. just giving you some reality!.



This is how i do everything!. I start where iam, and simply begin working on it until i get it!. This method works for many hobbies at once!. and many subjective topics as well, and all simultaneously!. It is like row row row your boat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Photography and i got a canon 300 but i have the same problem as you!.

i'd also like to be plz let me know if you get best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know but please don't tell us that you want to become a member of the paparazzi!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freelance means only that you are self employedWww@QuestionHome@Com

I LOVE photography and get many compliments!.!.!.Id like to do this too!.!.!.let me know when you find out!!! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com