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Question: Contract with a FREE Wedding Photographer!?
Hi there!. My fiance and I are getting married in June, and he is being deployed to Iraq in July!. We have found a photographer that is willing to photograph our wedding for free!. She is a graduate student at an art school in the area and she is willing to do the job to build her portfolio, to get our reviews, and because of our current situation!. I have seen her current portfolio, and it is great!. She just hasn't shot many weddings, and she is looking to get into that area to make more money!. So we are both helping each other out here, however I would still like a contract!. I know we are not paying her (although we will certainly tip her), but is it out of line to ask her to sign a contract!? She is being nice, but I want to make sure that she understands just because it is a "free" job doesn't mean it still isn't a job nonetheless!. I have fears of her not showing, or of her not agreeing to what we initially said (demanding money after the wedding)!. They are irrational fears, but I need-Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You are very smart to ask for a contract! It's not to be mean, it's just to protect yourself and her, and to make sure you both accomplish your goals for the day - to get photos of what will be one of the most important days in your life and to beef up her portfolio!.
Congratulations on your wedding!! Oh, and please tell your fiance thanks for fighting for our security and freedom!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am wondering--she's doing this for free, you mean, she'll take the photos for free--but are you going to get the film or the digital files to do as you wish, or is she going to sell you the prints!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

No certainly not, more than likely she already has a contract drawn up if she has done weddings before!.
Ask her about it and explain how you feelWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think thats a little over the top asking for a contract for a freebee job!. If you want guarnatees then you should pay for them!. The rule of thumb in most courts across the country is that if a photographers screws up royally, you would be awarded 3 times what you paid for the job, therefore the most you could win is 3 times $0!.00 which is nothing!. So whats the point other than offending the photographer!. I know darn well I would be insulted if I offered to photograph your wedding for free and you asked for a contract!. I would change my mind on the spot and show you my price list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds like a fantastic arrangement!

As for a contract, from what I remember from my law 101 classes, both contract parties have to benefit from a contract for it to be valid!. In this case, you'd get the photographs and all she gets is the (copy)right to use the pictures in her portfolio - which she'd have anyway!. So I don't think the contract actually gives her anything extra - it would just be a one sided promise!. also (like the answerer above states) asking her to sign a contract for a free job might rub her the wrong way!.

Why not promise her $200 or so to compensate her for her time and effort!. That's peanuts for a wedding photographer, but for a graduate student it helps pay the rent!. Or put *that* in a contract to make it legal!. And keep in mind that even if you do have a contract it's still largely a matter of trust!. If she wants to rip you off, she could initially deliver poor quality pictures, leave out key moments, portraits of important guests, etc!. There's no way to make it water tight, no matter how many pages of details you include!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not against a contract wether i'm getting paid or not!. You can have her sign one, but I don't really know what it would say other than you allowing her to put the photos into her portfolio online (her website only) or off line, and that you are promised the photos afterward!. There is a rule (which in this case will not be in effect) that states the work made for hire, which means if you hire her (paying a charge not a tip) to take your pictures you own copyright unless stated in a signed contract that gives her the copyright!. Go to your, or a, lawyer and ask!. As far as her demanding money afterwards, if you didn't sign a contract stateing that she is charging you, then don't worry about that!. She can't do a thing because she dosn't have any written proof saying that you agreed to pay her!. But all in all this will help her with future clients when a contract is extremely suggested!.

I say go with her!. You can't beat that kind of deal!. You'll be saving yourself around $1,000-$3,000!.Www@QuestionHome@Com