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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do colored pencils look awful scanned into the computer?

Question: Why do colored pencils look awful scanned into the computer!?
And what can I do to solve the problem!?
Besides buying photoshop!. I downloaded a painting program, Paint!.NET, but it's incredibly inflexible, and hard to color anything exactly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have the same problem!. Whenever I've done colored pencil work, it always comes out just aweful looking!.
I'd try messing with your scanners settings if it gives you that option!. *shrugs* Maybe there's an option that will scan the work better!. Wish I could be more helpWww@QuestionHome@Com

Colored pencils are grainy and pick up the texture of the paper--which can effect how they're scanned!.

What problem are you having with your Paint!.NET program!? A tip, if you're not already aware, is don't paint on top of your inked lines (in the program), paint underneath them!. Learn about layers!.When you've scanned an ink drawing (black and white) you'll want to have it on one layer and your coloring on a layer beneath it!. Make sure your layer on top is selected to "multiply" (I'm assuming it uses the same terminology as photoshop)!. It might make coloring less frustrating for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have the same problem!.
I'm starting to think it because of the scanner,
you'd probably need some REALLY advanced scanner
in order to make it scan just right!.
I would recommend maybe another type of software!.
openCanvas is good (for me atleast!.!.!.) but you can still trial photoshop~just to see how it works for you ^^
maybe it will help you!? ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are too light, you could do the drawing in marker then scan or use a computer program to make them look better with contrastWww@QuestionHome@Com