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Question: Lens Error Problem!?
I 4got what kind of camera my parents have but i took it yesterday bcuz i was going to the zoo with my friends!. I didnt drop it [at all] i didnt get water on it!.!.!.if anything i kept it on its case all the time i wasnt using it!.!.!.afterwards i turned it back on to see the pics and a little bit later i turned it on and [lens error] came up!. p!.s [no warranty]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It would help if you could give the type, make, and model of the camera, otherwise all I can tell you is the camera is pretty much hosed!.


Thanks for the details!. Sorry but, your camera is likely hosed!. Give cabbiinc's suggestion a try, which is the standard electronics power cap drain and cold start solution to virtually any consumer electronic device on earth!. If it doesn't work, the camera is now worthless!. You're better off buying a new one anyway, or upgrading!. Either way, the $80 cost is negligible, especially if your parents don't know you borrowed the camera, or don't know it's broken!.

Check this site, you may find a solution:

This probably wont work but hey, what have you got to lose at this point!.

Back up your pics to your computer
Turn the camera off and take out the batteries
Wait 5 minutes (or more) then press and hold the power button for 10 seconds or so!. This depletes all the power left in the camera and it has to start over!.
Put the batteries back in and turn it on
You should have to reset the time and date (if you dont it probably didnt reset and may not work on your camera)

If it works let us know as this question will be around for a year for others to learn from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it's a point and shoot with an extending lens, and the lens is stuck at the extended position, just oush it back in gently!. Be really gentle because ifyou break it, it's considered you're carelessness!. If it does extend, then forget about it!. Or find out what brand it is, and where the nearest service center is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could check to make sure the seetings are correct & The battery is properly inserted!. There could also be a defective part of the camera!. This isn't unsual it could be another of lifes pains!.!.

Good luck