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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can people compare Michelangelo to Daniel Johnston?

Question: How can people compare Michelangelo to Daniel Johnston!?
Though I've never heard them directly compared, they are both called "genius!." How is this possible!?

Daniel Johnston:

I don't mean any disrespect,
but!.!.!. what's wrong with you people!? How can you call both the same thing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Genius is such a broad term these days!. Michaelangelo was amazing on a technical level, where as Danel Johnston is amazing on a figuritive emotional level!. Im not saying im a fan of Daniel Johnston, but its not always about talent anymore!.!.!.its about the thought and the process!.!.!.and if you've ever seen a movie called "the devil and daniel johnston"!.!.i'd say its amazing he's even alive so anything that he makes is sheer miracle!.

By the way your links dont work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am not familiar with daniel johnson, but i took Art history in college and i studied it on my own since age 15!. Few artists are on michelangelo's level!. In his time, raphael urbino and leonardo da vinci are comparable!. In the baroque, Jan vermeer van Delft and Diego velasquez surpassed the renaissance masters!. After that is another dark Ages in painting, so i know no recent artist can match michelangelo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com