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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do You think this iz real or Photo Shop?

Question: Do You think this iz real or Photo Shop!?
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the special makeup and elements being photographed are definitely there!.
but they probably used photoshop to mess with the colors, levels, contrast, and other fine tunes
the rust effects and the cracks in the skin look photoshopped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I believe it's a combination!.

There is at least some trickery here, look at the shoulder at bottom right as compared to the base of the throat, the focus is wildly different!.

It looks like most of the crackling effect is a photo layer of a wall with peeling paint which was used as an overlay to make it look like make-up, again the bottom right seems to show the original texture!. also the cracking 'skin' on the fingers doesn't look like parts of it are higher or lower, just shaded to give the impression of depth!.
The rust coloring (either blood or iodine) under the eye and nose are completely straight as though they don't move over any facial curvature or skin imperfections, while it's possible that's just because of the perspective it's more likely digital to appear so straight!.
The blur around the head looks artificial as well, the top of the head is much clearer than the area around the temple, which is further forward on the face so should still be in focus!.
also, if you look closely, the skin under the left eye (with the cotton swab poking underneath) looks digized, though maybe cheap make-up, it doesn't look like it exists in any form except pixels!.

But I am pretty darned sure that is really white face make-up the way skin pokes through at some points and is bunched where the skin wrinkles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

definitely photoshop-ed!.!.!. but the model was well set!.!.!. it's a nice piece of work with delicate photoshop retouches I think
Maybe the photographer will reply and give you some tips!.!.!. otherwise, you can try to leave him a comment asking on the process he used on this photoWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I would say so!. The edges are all very blurred instead of sharp!. It appears an overlay(s) has been dropped onto the subject, then use of opacity and erasers and history brushes used to get the final result!. Pretty well done, but if people can see traces of photoshop work, then it is not perfect! Still a cool shot though!

Here is one I did you may like to see!. I make no effort to hide that there is photoshop work, but I like the effect!. I used shots of mud and twigs as overlays on the original girl's photo!. She was actually looking through the branch though!.



At least some of it is Photoshop!. Look at the background!.
Without copying it and enlarging it (in Photoshop :-) It would be hard to say how much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hope that it was photo shopped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com