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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to do a picture overlay?

Question: How to do a picture overlay!?
hi, i have Nikon D40 and i tried doing the feature overlay picture from the raw Nef-and i tried this but the result is!.!.its like an overlap picture, somethinglike a ghost or spirits or something what ever you call this!. Can anyone teach me how to do this in correct manner, like a photo is shot in a place or something!.!.that is not retouch thank very muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Edgar, I would really like to try to answer this for you, but I have read your question over and over and just cannot comprehend exactly what it is you are asking!. Are you wanting to know how to do multi exposures on one frame with your camera like can be done with some film cameras!? If so, that cannot be done with your digital!. You will have to layer one photo on top of another in photoshop and use erasers and opacity tools to get the look you want!.

Maybe you can try reposting your question and try to be more clear!.
