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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I get my pictures to look like this in Photoshop?

Question: How can I get my pictures to look like this in Photoshop!?
I mean like this effect!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Thanks for the compliment!.

HDR Dynamic Photo by mediachance as well as Photoshop!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The simple answer!.!.!. if you have to be here asking, then you can't do it, or at least you do not have the knowledge and skill to be able to do it now!. College courses are taught on Photoshop, books are written, and people spend years and years learning procedures and techniques!. This photo is the result of someone skilled with Photoshop!. No one here can tell you in a couple of sentences how to make your photos look like that!. YOU are going to have to study and learn photoshop skills and you will then be able to do it relatively easily!.


The paleness was likely result of a lowered saturation!. (ctr+U) May have played w/ brightness contrast or levels or curves a bit!. It probably has a duplicated and blurred layer on top (probably at a low opacity or a blending mode) to make the soft effect!. Then some green painted on another layer with soft light or something like that as blending mode!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow that photo was very well done!. not sure how to explain to you how to manipulate color in photoshop, its taken me years to perfect!.!.!.and I still have a long way to learn!. I'd just practice photoshop digital photo manipulation techniques in general!.

http://www!.lynda!.com may have some great tutes!. and also if u search for photoshop tutorials in google a TON come up!. I also really like tutorialized!.com for free tutes!. :) Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

As Perki88 is the one who made this image in the first place, I'll say, "See the answer above me!." How on Earth can someone give her answer a thumb down when she told exactly what she did to make the image!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com