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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Liquid White/Wet on Wet painting help??

Question: Liquid White/Wet on Wet painting help!?!?
Okay, so I like watching Bob Ross on The Joy of Painting and at the beginning of every painting he says that he had first applied some liquid white on the painting before starting the show!.
I went to Hobby Lobby and bought some of his liquid white with hopes of having the same effect in some of my paintings!. (I'm quite new to painting I might add)!.
Anyway, I applied a thin layer of liquid white to my painting and waited about 15 minutes and began painting, but all the paint was smearing all over the place!.
Like when Bob Ross is doing his skies, he takes a dry brush at the end and go over the entire sky to blend in the colors so "you can't tell when one color ends and the other begins"!. I tried that and all the colors were smearing together and I can't understand why it is so wet, too wet actually!.
Basically, my question is should I wait overnight for the liquid white to dry a little or do I need to just use less!?!?
When Bob Ross paints, his canvas looks so much dryer than mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before you apply the Liquid White make sure your canvas has been well primed with Gesso!. Then aplly a Very Thin coat of Liquid White!.
If you are not sure if the whole canvas is covered, tilt your canvas to the light, you will then see any dry patches !.
also if you think you have to much Liquid White on your canvas just wipe it with a paper Towel!.
Hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think cheers has your answer!. But also you can apply a product to the paint, like acrylic paint so that it does not dry so fast!. This might be easier to do than what Bob Ross used!. I like him too!.'Email me if you like and I will try to help you, I am rather new at this too!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Jacob,

I don't know the materials and techniques used on his method; there's a person here in Portugal who teaches his method!.
Now, painting alla prima ( in one session) is something not advisable for the beginner, when using the regular oils and mediums!. With Bob Ross's method, I'm sure it's different!.
But, even if I can't help you technically, let me give you an advice that is very important when painting alla prima!.
It's the carpenter's rule : measure twice to cut once!.
Applied to painting : think well to apply the brush just once!.
Because when painting alla prima, the chances for mistakes are very reduced, as you already know!.
Good luck and if you need any help besides the Bob Ross method, I'll be happy to try to help you!.

Kind regards,
