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Position:Home>Visual Arts> HELP...Printing on coloured paper ????????????????

Question: HELP!.!.!.Printing on coloured paper !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
well basically i have to make charts and instead of printing on white paper!.!.i wanted to print on coloured paper!.!.!.am writing the names of the squads of our class!.!.!.!.!.and they are divided into 4 colours blue yellow green red!.!.!.so i wanted to print the members names on colour chart!.!.!.like blue on blue and green on green but i have no idea what colour to print their names on like!.!.will yellow on blue look nice!? or white on blue!.!.!.thats my problem!.!.HELPPWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Inkjet inks are not very opaque, meaning the some of the paper color will show through the printing, so, darker color inks will work better!. Definetly, don't try printing on dark paper!.

Even pure yellow ink does not show up well on white paper, so I wouldn't recommend it on ANY colored paper!.

If you want to experiment by trying out an ink of a similar color to the paper, make sure the paper is VERY light, such as a VERY light blue, green, pink, or such!. Then, select a VERY dark tone of the ink color, such as a VERY dark blue, green, red or other!. You may even try outlining the text, (depending on the software you use) to make it stand out!.

However, I still wouldn't try it that way, but, rather, print on white paper with a selection of colored inks to make each person't chart stand out!. If you insist on colored paper (and that is YOUR choice, as designer), I'd stick to black titles and use some dark color inks for the chart's details!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

there is paper that is tinted with color, and there is colored art construction paper, the art paper may not be suitable for printing on, depending on type of printer, the regular tinted printer paper is ok to use, and note there is no white ink option, so you could use darker colors to print with, of you wanted more contrasting colors use color wheel chart to fine opposite color,

blue ~ orange / yellow option
yellow~ purple / green option
green~ red / yellow option
red~ green / pink option

Color Calculator
ColorBlender online color matching toolbox