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Question: Wheelchair portrait!?
If you are doing a formal portrait of someone confined to a wheelchair and that person requires the support of a head rest as well as a small pillow to keep their head propped up to the proper position, what material do you think would be best to cover the whellchair and not look morbid or like a sheet!? Any experiences!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What I did in my studio was to have people lift the individual up and quickly put black velvet over the entire chair then sit them back down!. You can try muslin type backdrops but I always preferred the velvet!. If their head will not stay stright uo you will have to stand on a ladder to shoot!. Vinetting also helps a great deal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your a far better judge of colouring and lighting and portraiture and life and photography and much wiser than me, so i leave those details to you!.

one thing i might say is if you use a short DOF the pillow will be soft and blended into the background, - so have it covered with something the same kroma as the BG and with the right depth you can make it so soft it will be textureless!.

EDIT: sorry didnt read it all 1st time, to cover the chair!? i dont get that one, if you shot a midshot or medium close up the chair wont show except behind his back - so try the idea from above maybe,

also the answer below vining - try lace its good for it, velvet also


As you know I don't know what I'm talking about!.

But! If it were me, I'd be throwing a black cloth over the whole thing and having a very dark background to make the chair disappear and have the person as the focus of attention!.

There is nothing wrong with a wheelchair, but it need not define the person!.

I'd be asking the subject which they wanted to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many headrests are small, black, and inconspicuous!. The artist should be able to use or draw one of these as the support!.

If this is not an option, then I would use a fabric that matches the background!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you considered feathering light away from those distracting areas and going for a low key image!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i haven't a clue, but i'm interested to learnWww@QuestionHome@Com