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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What's the difference between 8mm and 16mm film projectors?

Question: What's the difference between 8mm and 16mm film projectors!?
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An 8 mm projector projects film that is 8mm across, a 16mm projector projects film that is 16mm across!.

Most old home video is on 8mm, every school had 16mm movies and projectors in the 70's!. a 16mm can be projected about twice as big!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obviously, the width of the film that they will accept!. There are two separate flavors of 8 mm film -- the original, which was 16mm split down the middle, and Super 8, which is slightly different!. If you have access to films and want to project them, you will need to determine the size; most commercial film was 16mm!. But film and projectors represent an obsolescent technology; DVD's now serve as well and at far less cost!. It's the passing of an era; I used to run 16mm projectors at school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, one takes 8mm, the other 16mm!. Meaning the 16mm is larger!. The 16mm looks better, because the film is larger than super8!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The width of the film stock (which, as the guy above says, is 8mm's) that can be shown in the projector!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

8 mm'sWww@QuestionHome@Com